History of GLOs
When we think of GLOs and their beginning, we think, late 1700's, early 1800's. For BGLOs, we think early 1900's. But I must and will submit to you that these origins are much earlier; not centuries, but MILLENIUMS. People would never think or believe on could go back 4,000-5,000 years to know what GLOs today are really about, but you can. The evidence is their, and it can be found in the rituals they practice today. Yes, the Ancient Cults of Babylon have made their way into the Modern GLOs of today. Here are just SEVEN undeniable similarities between Ancient Babylonian Cults and Greek Organizations today:
3. SYSTEM of HIERARCHY (Big Brother/Big Sister to initiate relationship)
7. "All traditions from the earliest times bear testimony to the apostasy of nimrod, and to his success in leading men away from their patriarchal faith. For men will readily rally behind anyone who can give the least appearance for plausibility to any doctrine which will teach that man can be assured of happiness and heaven at last, though their hearts and nature are unchanged, and though they live without God in the world." (The Late Rev. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons or Papal Worship: Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and his Wife, Loizeuax Brothers, Inc., America, Second American Edition, 1959, p. 52.).]
All assure salvation WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST. Jesus seems to be the main ingredient missing from all Christ-Centered GLO's.
Modern Day GLOs
The most immediate PARENT of modern day GLOs is Freemasonry. Some founders of GLOs that I have studied had freemasonry flowing in their veins. Greek-lettered organizations or GLOs have been in the United States for about 220 years. They may have done many great deeds, but at whose expense? Greek Christians and their supporters look at them in terms of their benefits toward society. Unfortunately, they ignore the destruction of the soul in them, including their own.
Greek-lettered organizations neglect the spiritually righteous things only to invite and open doors to sin, allowing Satan to come and go as he pleases. There is no profit in sin. Its only reward is death. Good works, and a form of godliness (religion) were used by Greek-lettered organizations as an appeal to the church and society to say that, "Look, we're not all that bad." Once accepted by the church, GLOs have gained widespread acceptance without ever stopping their other ungodly activities. Clergy and many Christians have been sucked into the high ideal, philanthropic GLOs. The revelation of God's truth that is shown in "Coming Apart At The Seams" will shock members; those interested, church leadership, and the general public who really have no facts on the subject of Greek-lettered organizations.
The truth will set many free. Facts are facts and GLO's, especially BGLO's, who claim to be pillars and servants of the Black community, are taking no action at all to stop the gross immorality in the Black community. 536,000 Black babies are murdered per year. This is a rate of 40% of all abortions while making up only 11% of the population. But you have BGLO's promoting and supporting Abortion Rights Candidates on all levels of Government, some being members of these organizations. Read the first sentence above again and you will see why this can, will and is happening.
People are surely destroyed for the lack of knowledge, but it's worse when you have the facts and you still continue in GROSS IMMORALITY or in its support.
The True Christian and GLOs
"And Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth." I Peter 2:22 Jesus would have never joined a GLO, because He never knew sin, or comitted sin. "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." II Corinthians 5:21 The word "NO" means "NO" in these scriptures. Greek-lettered organizations are full of sins that they can't get rid of without losing their identity. GLOs wouldn't be true Greek-lettered organizations if they dropped some of the sinful things they do.
Therefore, Greek-lettered organizations will always be ungodly organizations in one way or another. Fraternities and sororities today are destroying the true Christian's relationship with Christ. (This destruction is the most common link with every testimony of those who have DENOUNCED). With their false doctrines, false gods, secrecy, deception, and form of godliness (i.e. doing good works, going to church, etc.), they lead many into present and possible eternal destruction. The leadership in many Churches hasn't stood up to them, even agree with them, and really don't care about the lost souls they were called to oversee.
Greek Christians' acceptance as being true Christians must be reproved and rebuked, so that they can be restored to fellowship with Christ. Their lives are subject to fruit inspection as is anybody else. But with the truth about GLOs, it makes many wonder why the association. If they have managed to remain holy and maintain the membership they swore to, then so be it. To the sinner, a denunciation without a decision to accept Christ as Lord and savior is worthless concerning eternal life. It may soothe a person's conscience in this life, but it won't stop the judgment of God concerning eternal life.